In Baldur’s Gate 3, an extremely terrible cut end was found

As in D&D, Baldur’s Gate 3 allows players to interpret their character as they consider necessary, even following their dark motives, if necessary. Larian Studios also decided to give the players a unique way to pass the third chapter of the plot in which they receive an unique and fully customizable character Origin. This is, of course, about The Dark Urge (dark temptation) – a character who will have to fight his most dark motives. Or even indulge them, depending on how you decide to play.

Thanks to this, you can also go through the Baldur’s Gate 3 campaign with unique options and endings: one of them, according to Thegamer, should have been especially terrible, but in the end Larian Studios decided to cut it off. However, the fans managed to restore audio files associated with this ending, which you can listen to in the video below. Of course, you should immediately warn you that huge spoilers are waiting for you about the background of this fascinating and gloomy character.

As the fans already know, the thirst for reprisal of the dark temptation was not just like that: it turned out that his father is Baal, the god of murder. During the passage of the Baldur’s Gate 3 campaign, we will have the opportunity to either rebel and start atonement, or follow his will to the end.

However, Larian Studios came up with an alternative, much more cruel option: our character can disappoint Baala so much that he will stop thinking independently, turning into a tool for generating new heirs.

At the same time, everything is very detailed – and, which is quite logical, it was planned to show some of these details – so it is easy to understand that the developers thought that it was already, perhaps, even for those whom such a campaign could attract to gloomy consequences.

Scary, very scary, already checked!

Well, in vain they gave the back, it would be even more interesting … In general, the more content the better … True Todd ? XD

I think the Larias will look at what the players write, and they will return a lot of the cut out, it will be possible when they decide to make DLS

They will not do DLS for the game, but Definitive Edition, as with previous projects, then please, by the way, you can start counting the game fully released, because the changes will be as usual, the cut content will be twisted back there

They already discussed this with reporters. And Sven said that DLS will be.

you can link to the ending with the interview? Ril is interesting to look, because somewhere he read that he said just the opposite

Yes, he still began to change his mind and back 30 times on the last panel.Either the upper city will be, then they decided that there are no, then the epilogues will be as much as 15 minutes, then they decided that they smear the epic of the ending and cut out, realizing that they sat down in a puddle promised to return them to the puddle.And this is the same with DLC, at first Sven burst out that everything!He wanted to tell a story, told and closed Gestalt, and in general for the DLC, everything should be rewritten and processed in terms of levels, then he began to slowly wrinkle, why not, why not.Then he said that after the vacation we’ll see, and the last on my memory that someone else from the top of Larian raised the question of DLC and said that the team "He wants more" And they will come up with something about DLC

They cut a bunch of interesting content, it is not known how much to wait until everything is returned.

Otherwise, it is not known how much the game is waiting for the game ¯ \ _ (ツ) _/¯

And it is necessary? Games are done so. Something falls, but a lot is cut out. Just not all and not all this is said. There are more content there than in all games taken together, published among AAA recently. But I noticed, you just have to extinguish under each news on BG3 about some carved content. Moreover, this content is sometimes so insignificant that doubts begin to appear on your account again.

You bomb from the fact that the game has interesting content and/or even after cutting out part of this content, the game still remains interesting. Understand. It should be a shame that your god-like RPG of the century, Sorlfield does not even have content that it would not be a shame to cut out, whatever you touch, you get into the game. And how did you kickers before the exit of the Sorfield, here Starfield will come out and break BG 3. Literally under every news. Sorlfield came out and, alas, for fanatics of Todd, tore only his asshole. How funny it is Haterk comments, who is trying to migrate under "impartial" a player who only appreciates "good" games. It will not work, clown, your Vypers about Starfield’s greatness were literally in every BG branch starting from August 3 and ending on September 6. The Internet remembers everything, fanbochik)

Let it be like from the divinity Orijinal Sin 2.It was licked and returned a lot of carved content, plot and gameplay in Definitive Edition.Most likely it will be with BG3, only this edish will wait for this most likely for a long time for a long time.

Purely formally, this ending is still there – when you resist the will of Baal, but do not take up the path of redemption (t.e. You go like his gun the whole game, but you do not capture the world and the Absolute). – Baal captures the body of the temptation and leaves what he will do – the devil knows, to produce new heirs or arrange a massacre – the essence of the same thing.

Well, in short, Tod Howard with Bill Gates comes out there at the end and they unanimously declare that the LGBT community lies to everyone, and that African Americans should not have a voice in society

One of the few games forced to step on the path of evil because it is interesting and there is its own logic, and not a potamuch, I’m bad and everything

You can’t go through, the game makes you relax at least twice, once after saving the grove, the second time you go to the gates of Baldur, and if you do not rest in the gates, then you can not save the Duke of Ravengard. I actually played the game.To. I was afraid that long rest will be greatly affected by quests, but as a show, even the Roshchi of Druids will not close if you have a lot to rest

I’m just thinking about playing for him..

Judging by this lizard in the frame everything is terrible there

with the gnols the scene was in Bet

This is not the same scene. The cut ending was to be an epilogue in which "temptation" Show after a hot night with a gnoll. And the sunset voice sensually explains what kind of refusal to steer in a swarm of Baal took away the free will from the protagonist and turned into a cupcake-toy/incubator to generate future heirs from gnolls, brogs, displayer-snares and all other creatures.

To get such an ending in order to get such an ending, it was necessary to agree to become the champion of Baal after the murder of Orin, and then fill up the original plan destroying the Absolute. T.e. GG should still be attached to the papik, but not fulfill his will and be thus punished (no). Paul GG in the end, apparently, did not matter

An extremely terrible place there is only one thing- when Vlaakite appears, you ask her who she is in life, and then this begins! 0_0 I thought the ends came! The heart almost stopped! But this was just again handicrafts-developers. But how much was brought to fear!

After 4 patches, blurring from effects, hmm, 3 act scripts are not executed, you cost a stupid for 3-5 minutes to swear, I didn’t bomb after cybercoma like from a bald

Why do I feel correct and normal when I play for Urja in this feeding evil and good through the prism of tolerance inside out. 1) Kaga protects the grove from the point of view of logic, everything, you need to make it a white woman who is dissuaded by a good roofing material to destroy it, make it a childcode and a fan of shadow druids 2) Ruberoids (not drow), 3) rags of men who cannot To compete with babies in leadership positions, males are white villains from the Three with Orin, who immediately merged at the end of 2 acts, it is not surprising that the whole party was collected by Urj 4) Niga Wilka, who gathered all virtues in himself, but became a limp heel of Mizora, and we We solve all his problems, and he, as a ballast, is weaving behind the party, he gave the dad easily, and there are not enough brains to finish the nuance of the contract that you can save the dad. 5) rampant sodomy among the gnomes, and shinging in the mouth, "I’m your husband"(Grimford), "You killed my wife for disobedience"(Banks Plant), Dvorfs, I want to buy food in a hotel, "I am epos in the ass with my husband, you are not interesting to me", what, wander, a normal person will yell throughout the district that he eats with someone? 6) Bolvan Minsk, simply, spit into the face of fans, turning Vikonia into a bitch balloon 7) I feel like the only male in the whole Faerun 8) the girl in the team is all strong and independent, and in front of the Urge, especially before the fighter, the lizka scared, so as not chewed, gets on the teeth. 9) Karlokha just wants to eat someone, for oppressed tifling from the grove by a mountain, a man who has squeezed the refugees, also wants to wrap it, a white man, filled the help of refugees, and to the toys to the kids, the detailed. 10) "Evil" or rather, normal passage deprives us of huge content. 11) Why should I empathize "oppressed", "poor" Tiflie in the grove? A small gang of rats Like they wanted to rob me, the rat m saying on me at all the whole guard shoved. Rats cut the relics of the druids. Behave like at home in a strange place. Yes, you are burning in the raid of absolutists, the same for me. 12) Why all the heteropers I saw ended poorly? The parents of the Arabella rat are cut off, a couple of typhley with a cat, drank.13) Bespole Fiolet Fiolet Tifling in the Shaducha task."They did not break your individuality, blah, you are an example for me, how I turned into *an outcast, I began to feel myself, wagged like. 14) Conclusion, the main psyche from a cage of a ball that yells to everyone, what the same. And yes, Balda 3 does not deserve to be a game of the year, she got a pig of a pig, and worse than the release of Cyberpuke 2077. Because Cyberpuk did not break himself, your mother, whole quests and plots. And did not break totally after patches, as I made a bald in 4 patch, it freezes for 3-5 minutes in 3 acts, nothing is fulfilled, you run stupidly, when the scripts begin to be executed, the disappearance of sound paths, a broken facial animation in the 1st stage. Blinding from v v

fuck as it can be in the head.

The style of a person is certainly lame, but plus minus, he correctly described the dominance of the agenda in BG3. Because of it, I do not want to relay, as I am brutally suffered by immersion in the pantry world.

You can’t just take it and not to bite about the agenda instead of losing a good game, not without minuses, of course

So I played. I thought that I was immediately relying, but no. The most lousy in this agenda is that without it the game would be perceived much better, for gameplay and mechanics are magnificent, but we have that we have. And you will deny the destructive effect of the agenda and its "Mandatory" In modern large games?

People, I went through this "Good game" on the release itself, I even bought it, I thought: I will get pleasure, a normal plot, but it turns out on the lips of it, and they also spent it, and also advertising from a pig. Okay, I ran it 1 time, passed for other classes in different patches. And now I wonder how to break the working and correct another. At first, I did not look at the agenda, but after several passages, I realized what she was carrying from all the cracks here, and made you up for normal here, that is, you are now a minority, and here it turns out that you are playing in the world , where the tolerance won common sense practically.

Damn, the dark temptation in the game was created specifically for players -catches. Well, what a normal person will do this, even in the game? The video shows how some non-normal cut off the head of Karllah. "Good" Someone has the end, nothing to say

You can play the vehicle fighting with your nature. In addition, playing for TSA you can kill the NPS who enraged you in the first passage, whether it be tifling, Isabelle, intimidate the real Jaheir and bring to the hysteria of Orin. Yes, and for the vehicle it is justified to bring the emperor to the fact that he will show what he really was, and not vanilla rollers with the countess.

Well I do not know.. I also put a squirrel from the heart on a stone. Some characters, including in real life.. especially in real life, they deserve only such an appeal

and as for the Karllak, then at first she grit "muti with others, I do not mind", But you still check, really do not mind. you go through the whole pass, kick the lizard under the ass, and Karllake is "Who are you?! You were not called here!". And under the tail of a cat for two days! well, who would not cut off her head after such?!

You have a point of view from the perspective of a teenager or pensioner 65+. When you go to the line 33+, you will find out that it is not at all as it seems. And get acquainted with the periods of antiquity, the Middle Ages and the New Age for general development, no one has ever lived and does not live in Manya with pink unicorns, fading blue sugar cotton and rainbow. (to the conversation about the cut off the head of the Karllah, which is prof. Killer, etc. P.)

I also don’t really like the path in which you give in to a dark temptation. A lot of cruelty (I would even say ultra violence) which is shown in details. However, this is the price that you need to pay for the fact that the game has a certain "the freedom of action". And besides, the temptation can be resisted, there can also be interesting outcomes (only if you do not want to kill someone out of ignorance, then you need guidics, it will not be clear everywhere).

Game bottom, to be honest, I don’t know why everyone praises her plot purely for a checkmark

May Life Maincraft!

You are a stalker fan?

"I didn’t play, but I feel so". Well, yes, you are the bite of the games. On GJA all rewards took BG3 bending everything

Only the Larias came to their show, the whole team. Therefore, the organizers decided to distribute everything to them. Well, do not carry these figurines to the warehouse. And these heads also extinguished the shampusic all evening, we can say that they bought these awards.

Only the Larias came to their show, the whole team. Therefore, the organizers decided to distribute everything to them. Well, do not carry these figurines to the warehouse. And these heads also extinguished the shampusic all evening, we can say that they bought these awards.

Next time I will collect the company at twenty, there is a cloak in there – and all my awards are my awards!

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Information about the location, plot, cooperative and evacuation mode Far Cry 7 leaked to the network

It is safe to assume that Ubisoft is currently working on the next Far Cry game, since this franchise of the shooter is one of their most successful and popular IPs.

However, we do not have official confirmation from the publisher that one of their studios is really busy with the next far Cry, so the fresh leakage that will be discussed should be perceived with a share of skepticism.

The leak occurred from the scandalous 4Chan forum, where one of the authors shared a bunch of details about Far Cry: Rise, the new game Far Cry is supposedly so called.

In addition, the action of the game will take place on a remote tropical island in the Yellow Sea near Korea. The story seems to be very similar to the one that was in Far Cry 6. In fact, you are fighting with the North Korean dictator Choi San Pila, who, apparently, is played by actor Lee Jeon Zhe ("Play of squid"). In Far Cry: Rise, the players take on the role of Andrew or the mines of Pak, Korean idols who must learn to survive and save his brother/sister from the growing rebel movement.

The campaign will support a joint game of up to four players, and will be a new game mode called Conquest, which is largely a copy of the luters-shutters such as Hunt: Showdown, Escape from Tarkov and Call of Duty Warzone. 2.0. This correlates with previous rumors that the new multiplayer game Far Cry has the code name Project Maverick.

We also received information that Far Cry will refuse the Dunia engine, which has been used for this series since Far Cry 2, in favor of the Snowdrop from the Massive Entertainment engine, on which the The Division series and the coming Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora operate.

In any case, we must once again note that these are just rumors, so you should not perceive information as the truth. Even if the information is really reliable, games can radically change during development, so what was true a year ago may not be such today.

It is expected that Far Cry 7 will be released on a PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X | S somewhere in the coming years.

The release of a cheerful Budemap Bud Spencer & Terents Hill – Slaps and Beans 2 took place

The cult film audite Terents Hill and Bad Spencer lit up in countless films, the most famous in the genre of spaghetti western.

And now, after the success of the original game Slaps and Beans 2017, they returned in a new adventure. Bud Spencer & Terensa Hill – Slaps and Beans 2 promises even more bizarre outputs of this duet, this time in the very heart of Africa.

The Slaps and Beans 2 combat system improved compared to the first game promises exciting battles in the old school style, which you can enjoy with a partner in a local cooperative.

The game also has a set of mini-games, which can be played repeatedly in a special party for parties with the participation of up to four players. You no longer need to limit the time of the game with one friend, because now even more players can take part in chaos.

Cool duet from childhood)

They still look normal now. Unlocked classic.

The film is just fire)

And I like where they were police officers

The craft is as -so as it seems.
But the duet is really legendary. I love their films.

Great game for disclosing potential 4090

I feel a nonsense in the world of games

Uraaaa. Pixels again. = (

In my opinion, the toy does not look bad (I’m not talking about graphone), I think it’s worth a try

Another trash of shame of shame for real money

It looks fun, to run the evening with a friend to wrap someone, it’s bad?

Well, such an approach and film industry at first erupted that now all the films are not that the thread is normal and interesting, but to cling the popcorn with a friend, looking at the full UG hat and then the game industry is not just bad, but the ultra is bad

Come on, I’m not saying that this is a new top AAA, but a completely tolerable niche game “Beat them Up” of the genre, there is generally everything in this format, no one had complained before. The industry is spoiled by such vysers as the sulfidr and the gazebo.

Previously, a similar srach was trillion times less than a tc site of type of shame, before Yandy Tryshak did not take, and no one could sell it all on a normal product … The fact that the Starfield would be clear immediately after the announcement of the TC space setting with an unrealistically huge world, the priori did not It may be interesting to fill this with content with real years of 50 years and not a five -year plan for JVA of the year … And in general, units managed to make space setting interesting … And the fact that this negatively affects the industry is also a consequence of such an indie TC, everyone watches statistics in the gazebo and Warring to which potiles the client plays and make it a little better but the same UG … So the market is now working and magazils are corrupt for a free copy of the Uzheshki 110 out of 10

Copyright © 2001-2024All rights are protected by the legislation of the English Federation. Using the site materials is possible only with a direct reference to the source.

Update 1.6 for Honkai: Star Rail – a new story at Gertha space station

At the end of this year. December 27, for Honkai: Star Rail, another update is released 1.6 which will add several interesting stories in familiar locations, and will also introduce new characters into the history.

The arena for the main events will be the gear space station well familiar to all players. In the new area called isolated zone, players will faced the consequences of Zhuan May’s experiments to create biological copies. Yourself "consequences" In the person, copies of the Lord of the beetles led to education "The old crater of wormhole". Its elimination has to work.

Juan May – 5* Ice character, next along the path of harmony. Member of the Society of Geniuses No. 81 and an expert in the field of biological sciences. One of the founders of the Virtual Universe project, but prefers to stay in the shadow. Its skill repeated melody of string singing increases the speed and effectiveness of penetration of vulnerability for all allies. Juan May analyzes the vulnerability of opponents and increases the effect of punching.

Dr. Rio – second 5* renewal character. Type minimum walking along the path of hunting. If the Society of geniuses is the best minds from various areas, but they work one by one, then the guild of the erudites to which the character belongs, on the contrary, advocates the spread of knowledge, and therefore the organization is so great and includes many followers. Adhering to strict rules, Dr. Rio always monitors the effects of enemy weakening during the battle. The more weakening in the chosen enemy, the higher the probability of a bonus-attack from the doctor.

Suei will become 4* a renewal character. It is a quantum type, the path of destruction. Her bodies are no more, and now she is just a doll, the body of which is made by order of the commission of ten lords. For each capture of the criminal, Xuei can return to the world of the living for half a day. Like her sister Hanya, Suei is incredibly strong in battle. Suei’s super -resistance Divine punishes quantum damage to the chosen enemy and exhausts his resistance, ignoring the types of his vulnerabilities.

The main event will be "Exotic pets". The player will have to grow many delightful small creatures, choosing the starting parameters and the desired goals. The confusion hall will also be updated, a new stage in the virtual universe will be added: "Gold and gears" (Stage and tests are associated with new characters and their "experiments").

The scene of the last addition of Snowrunner is named

The Epic Games Store has been renewed 28.0 For a public test server (TCP), thanks to this, the details of the last addition of Snowrunner became known, the place of action will be North Carolina-the North American region consisting of 4 cards, a new brutal technician will appear: a heavy truck-FMMM 37 -T and Scout-MTB 8106 (Rock Grinder), there will also be new modules for trucks: the FEMM onboard platform, a three -legged semi -trailer with an expanded platform and a turbogenerator stator.

Finally, the developers shared a curious fact, in some countries of the CIS, the Ford brand will be removed from the game, an AWMG fictional brand will appear instead of it.

Oh, Yamal will be introduced and even with a platform for 4 packs, beauty.

Total, for the whole season, not a single of our region.

But the new truck is very interesting, with a breaking frame, a 4 slot platform, 71 wheels. This is right, it seems

There are no our regions, but our cars are added 🙂

All the same to carry everything on the 612th. 🙂

Well, get out, we will be in Kola

Because he is an imba imba. In the way..Ken is better than Ken

Modes will be corrected back. And why remove it, because paid. It’s like selling a jeep let them travel, and then "quiet" He is changed in the garage to the cart. There were 4 wheels, there were 4 wheels left – it’s okay. There was a time. Screamer4x4, 4x4evo and real cars, and they broke. And now that if the cars do not correspond to their prototypes, then this is damage to the real car? Strange decision.Where then is the simulator? In dirt.

More more prosaic, replacing brands for the benefit of a return to domestic markets (UK, Belarusia, CIS). Why is this not indicated in the news itself. Thanks to the user Pavel Rally for the lighting of the track.

The name only changes and not from the game Ford itself will be removed

Well, ash stump that the name is for the good of justice, otherwise Ford and Kat are the only?) licensed name. It’s better to make b, Ford – Fred, if they called Kamaz Azov.

POV, one hell is not available in the English Federation.

Reread the last paragraph, it’s not just.

Pacesibo, your news is not indicated. It would not be bad if she returned to the CIS countries

Now it is clear why she was gone in stores and where do the ideas about the replacement of brands are growing. Thank you. Well, that’s why this is not said in the news itself.

Finally, the developers shared a curious fact, in some countries of the CIS, the Ford brand will be removed from the game, an AWMG fictional brand will appear instead of it.

When they could well fit a couple of lines that the casting of brands for the benefit of a return to domestic markets (UK, Belarusia, CIS)

Because it is walking around the minefield, I tried to write news in the summer, it was rejected and frightened by the bank.

Why is it scared by banks? Why is that? And what they wrote in justification, such as rosenia of disagreement, chtol? There are many snops and the answers somewhere at the level of the banks will be. You can not answer, but you never know what. And so everything is clear. By the way, a lot of news from users are not missed, for that, then, the same news from the main regulars appear. I already want to sculp on the images of watermarks (so that in "Negativ" authorship was clearly distinguished).

Here is the full if anyone needs

Snowrunner: How the brand replacement works

Snowrunner was temporarily removed from digital stores in several regions: UK, Belarus and Ukraine. So that the game can be returned, we will replace the Ford brand in it.

For affected regions, Ford CLT9000 and Ford F750 cars will be replaced by similar-AWMG TX-340 and AWMG AC 1610. For other regions, Ford cars will remain unchanged.

Changes will affect the name, images for a prevention, visual display of machines, some improvements, references in tasks, display and name Ford F750 in the content library in the game itself and game stores in the description of the SEASON 1: Search additions & Recover.

These changes will be implemented on the Xbox, PlayStation, Epic Games Store, Steam and Microsoft Store platforms. There will be no changes on Nintendo Switch.

What will happen to the bought additions that include Ford F750?

Ford F750 is part of the SEASON 1: Search paid addition & Recover. If your account is registered in UK, Belarus or Ukraine, the purchased Ford F750 will automatically be replaced by AWMG TX-340.

For other accounts, all content will be available unchanged.

What will be with preservation?

If you purchased the Ford CLT9000 or Ford F750 in the truck store and placed them in the parking lot, these cars will remain there with all the installed improvements and decorations.

But the visual models of these machines will change:

The Ford F750 visual model will be automatically replaced by the AWMG TX-340, and the Ford CLT9000 model on AWMG AC 1610.

Castle or DLC excavation that the player chose will be marked in the “Color” section in the tuning menu. However, the AWMG TX-340 and AWMG AC 1610 will have only one black and white color, which cannot be changed.

Ford spray for the rear bumper AWMG AC1610 (Ford CLT9000) will be replaced by AWMG sprayer without a Ford logo.

Creator module-picap and module-picap will be repainted in the color of the AWMG TX-340 (Ford F750). That is, they will have black and white colors.

If you left a truck in the vastness of the game world, its location will remain the same. The visual model of the truck will be replaced, but all improvements will remain.

Replacing the truck in no way will affect game progress.

How the replacement of the brand in cooperative mode will work?

For a host or guest of a session from UK, Belarus or Ukraine, instead of Ford F750 and Ford Clt9000, AWMG TX-340 and AWMG AC1610 will be displayed. Replacement applies to both a personal car and other players.

For a guest or host with accounts of other countries, the Ford CLT9000 and Ford F750 will be displayed unchanged. This applies to both a personal car and cars of other players.

Will the replacement in offline mode work?

Yes, the replacement of the brand will act in offline mode.

For game sessions from UK, Belarus and Ukraine, Ford F750 and Ford CLT9000 will be replaced by AWMG TX-340 and AWMG AC1610 even without connecting to the network.

How the replacement of the brand will affect new mods?

If the mod is created using an account different from English, Belarusian or Ukrainian, the process of its creation will remain unchanged.

If the mod is created using a English, Belarusian or Ukrainian account, then there will be some changes in the editor of the mods.

Ford CLT9000 and Ford F750 will be displayed in the list of trucks, but with a changed appearance (black and white color). After adding these trucks to the custom level, they will replace them with AWMG trucks with some changes: the rear bumper for AWMG AC 1610, pickup modules for AWMG TX-340, unchanged black and white color.

How replacement will affect old mods with Ford machines?

New mods for these trucks will be modified on MOD.IO and will not be allowed to publicate.

Old mods that previously passed moderation and were allowed to publish, will remain unchanged and will be available to players.

If a mod for one of these trucks is installed using an account different from English, Belarusian or Ukrainian, the mod will remain unchanged.

If the mod is established using the English, Belarusian or Ukrainian account, the following changes will affect it:

The default truck name will be replaced by AWMG. If the creator of the fashion uses another name, there will be no changes.

The model of a car for a mini-card will be replaced by AWMG if the player does not use another model.

Ford spray for the rear bumper AWMG AC1610 (Ford CLT9000) will be replaced by AWMG sprayer without a Ford logo.

The module-picap and the custom module-picap will have a black and white color, like the AWMG truck.

Closed beta version Path of Exile 2 will include the whole game

This week on Exilecon, the annual Grinding Gear Games Convention on Path of Exile, the announcement of Path of Exile 2 took place. Along with the demonstration of the third act, the developer confirmed that the sequel would be an independent game, and not updating the existing version. Closed beta testing is scheduled for June 7, 2024, and, apparently, fans will do something to do.

Gamdector Jonathan Rogers told IGN that the full version of the game will be available in closed beta testing, "To achieve the right balance at the start, because if you have already done something in a certain way, players really do not like to change this, in particular, towards reduction. Therefore, we must be sure that we will have a good beta version that will tell us everything we need to know about this".

If this was not enough, then the closed beta version will last throughout the league. "It will be not just one act or something like that. This will be the whole game, and we are going to hold it as much as the league, at least a few months, so that we know exactly what the economy looks like, how everything looks when everything suits. Because people need quite a lot of time to understand which things are most effective, what they should do".

By naming this game method "The most effective" And "The most fun", Rogers noted that it is necessary "Follow the balance of skills". "This will be a difficult task, but thanks to prolonged beta testing, we can solve it".

Thus, Path of Exile 2 is confirmed for a PC, although it can skip Xbox One and PS4 for the sake of Xbox Series X/S and PS5. This is a new six -act campaign with several new classes and ascendants. Also in the game 240 active skills, 600 different types of monsters, 1,500 passive skills and 100 bosses that you can fight (of which there is a spirit to a constant increase in characteristics). In addition, the game provides for support for a cooperative mode for six players.

Plot, multiplayer and secrecy: gameplay details of the new Assassin’s Creed in ancient China were leaked into the network

The French company Ubisoft in September last year introduced the debut trailer of the Assassin’s Creed spin-off in ancient China. Despite the commitment of the project by mobile platforms, the game looked extremely ambitious and large. Unfortunately, while the developers are in no hurry to reveal the details of the Assassin’s Creed: Jade game process, but instead they willingly do insider. A reliable fraud author told the main features of the game, which will include a full -fledged story campaign and multiplayer.

According to the information presented, Assassin’s Creed: Jade is created by the Ubisoft internal team in cooperation with the Level Infinite studio from Tencent. The game will be free with some intra -game purchases and will include a full -fledged storyline for solitary. Along with this, Assassin’s Creed: Jade will be conditional "dungeons", which can be held many times and in network mode. The dungeons increase the reigree of the game, since the best equipment can only be obtained in the dungeons. The study will be beneficial, offering players an incentive to hunt for unique resources and wonders.

Assassin’s Creed: Jade will follow the successful Genshin Impact formula, offering regular events and permanent content updates. For the game, extensions with new tasks, locations for research, dungeons and various cosmetics are already planned for the game.

Other features of the game from leakage:

  • Weapons and equipment are divided into rare – green, blue and gold.
  • The game presents several types of weapons, including swords, double swords, maces, spears and various types of onions.
  • Weapons can be improved due to resources to the 10th level.
  • The battle is different from the main game series. This is more like GenShin and other popular MMOs, where each weapon has one ultimatic and two active skills, in addition to the main attack.
  • Secretity is an important aspect of the game, and the player must learn how to make battles more favorable.
  • There are bosses in the dungeons that vary from ordinary to mythical bosses depending on the level.
  • The developers are discussing the issue of inclusion in the game of military pass, but now it is not on test servers.

As the author of the leak, the developers want to conduct an open beta testing Assassin’s Creed: Jude this year. They plan to launch Beta for everyone by the end of 2023, and the release of the game will take place next year.

Diablo 4 Cosmetics Cosmetics is suitable for any class

The upcoming cosmetics from combat pass to Diablo 4 will not be limited to one class, but will take into account all possible types of body. Although Diablo 4 players and rested on microtransactions, basic gaming outfits allowed them to realize a variety of characters’ concepts. Unlike to pay $ 28 for armor, BP cosmetics in Diablo 4 can be obtained by spending $ 10 on a premium track and slowly passing levels for three months.

PSU will also award players with platinum, premium currency of the game, which actually means that they can acquire premium armor, patiently accumulating it during the year. It is still unknown how much Blizzard has received from microtransactions, but Diablo 4 digital purchases were beaten by several records, as the game is a commercial and critical success, even if some disadvantages still interfere with it.

In response to the tweet, which discussed the price of BP, the general director of Rod Fergusson said that cosmetics that will appear in the first season, as well as in any next season, will not depend on the class, which will be a positive difference from the Diablo Immortal system, where the PSU forced players choose equipment for only one class.

Although this, of course, is interesting news, many players hope that Blizzard will offer many simple cosmetics as a reward for BP, such as palettes of paints and player icons. No matter how fascinating the customs of the characters in Diablo 4 is, fans are looking forward to the appearance of a real black palette, and the community suggests that it will most likely appear in one of the upcoming seasons of the game.

I already see so many players with horses and skins from a magazine. Is popular)

I somehow did not notice (but the ghostly horse fell me and so, so I am satisfied, looks stylish, to me in high)

In the city I often see. The horse is visible immediately, but the skins sometimes catch your eye – Necra especially. I would bake the horse too, probably

It’s not noticeable at all. With such a camera, I only harness the horse and noticeable. That and. Most of it is from Beta, which was already lazy to close.

There is no desire (and the opportunity with such restrictions) to buy at least some skins at all. The character itself has half with "colorless" paint (if you take an analogy with D3), and half is a transmog from ordinary clothes, not even with the way.

statepades, their server do not work on weekends, what kind of skins

Tell me, I have passed all the parts, but I never played the season, a pity for the time spent, I like to keep the result, but in 4k I decided to try and the question is, the rewards received from the BP will be available on the character as usual in the usual mode of the game? That is, the season has passed, and the whole reward remained, the same? And will something be available from the already passed game, or everything from the clean sheet?

Do not hide your money in banks and angles.
Bring your money for our skins. lol
Divorce is in full swing – scream

The game is designed for 4 seasons? Well, or a maximum of 9 because! The first character Maine OK is played simply, but in the game of only 5 grades, the point of downloading in the 5th season of another main? If all the same to download classes again in every season then I have a question how to do it after the 9th season? In the account of a maximum of 10 Persians.

As for the store in the game, I will say it is useless: while the game is so fading, while there is no top -end vidiakha and 4K monitor, while the game does not have normal content in essence the same Diablo Immortal was more saturated at the event of the events and TP in Diablo 4 less content on start. The seasonality itself in Diablo 4 was taken with Poee error, It would be better for the content to the new DLC continent of the island of the new type of monsters new awards and TP developed and cosmetics and who nafig gave the sense of it 0 in the same wow, what was the transmogrification of what was in the most beautiful patches of the clothes, most of this TBC 2- oh addon mainly and store driving animals to chickens 😸 The game has a lot better than unicorns and any other eating, I understand the thick people thoughtlessly buy up everything, but the fact in the same wow people really drive the secret mounts with content and TP more than the seasonal PVP and there is a castor of pvp of tenders of aren In fact, and? And the sets of transmogrication from the store live on your character, how many week at best in the worst 1-3 days. It is nice that the awards will be bad for all characters that after the end of the season like (at the expense of platinum and the fact that you need to save a year on something standing on the other hand in the game a lot of content will be in the future to give external. Does it make sense to buy something in a store from a company that could not saturate Diablo 4 with the content of everything gray monotonously, I understand the gloom, but even what is currently in the store all the same color palette of meager red blue colors of even less yellow norms but green is really green, such a gray land with a rot, but never green black is not at all clean as well as white and even beige it . Think and make the right choice if you want to buy something in the store can better buy a BP, then it will give things better for the same money in the season. And when the external types of clothes you have a lot of eyes scatter, you are thinking, what for the flow I bought a stock if you can wear 1 set on yourself, as it were 2 for a variety. The people have a saying one head good, but two are no longer beautiful. Wow)

Midders were cheap, it was necessary for each separately. so that there are fewer skins, but at the same time pulling money from hamsters more

All this is useless if you need to download only seasonal heroes to get awards with BP.

And what else was expected from the seasons? Where did this nonsense come from about the fact that in the season there will be no need to create a new spell? it was always like that, and here the Newfags ran and unhappy, funny to her by God

What a little you carry. Everyone knew about seasons. But no one knew that the BP would only be in them. Now you are literally forced "Do you want a buns – go to the gnoveson". + Imagine the faces of the people that they bought a deluxe received a BP and they say they say they say for what you paid for only

Well, what’s the problem I like to play every season from the beginning, do not want to play another game

It is logical that BP will be attached to the season, I don’t know why I had to think otherwise. When buying it was written that it is a “seasonal military pass”. You need to watch that you buy. So it’s not me to carry nonsense, someone does not know how to read)

If D4 were bought only by those who played in D2 and D3, then perhaps such questions would not have arisen. But in fact, he is generally right. Blinds needed to immediately chew when buying everything that seasonal PSU means creating a new character in the season and beginning from scratch, roughly speaking

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Players in Mortal Kombat 11 are outraged due to advertising Hogwarts Legacy inside the game

Bloody fighting fighting Kombat 11 recently received a new update, and, according to many players, it is bad. Instead of presenting new content or updating the quality of life, Hogwarts Legacy advertisement appeared on the main screen, despite the fact that these two franchises have practically nothing to do with each other.

As soon as you launch Mortal Kombat 11, the first thing you will see will be a trailer for Hogwarts Legacy, as well as an invitation to go to the store page. This is not all, since the advertising banner of the game, which was previously used to advertise goods, at least vaguely related to Mortal Kombat, will still be displayed at the top of the screen

The justification for the game is that both games are published by the same studio, WB Games. But this is not too convincing, since other products belonging to WB did not receive such a platform for advertising. Even another fighting, Multiversus, which probably could have benefited from more fame before he was sent to oblivion. In addition, there is practically no similarity between these two games.

The patch made Avad Kedavvalii players..

Harry Potter and Voldemort in the next part, how playable Persians will introduce)

And it would be interesting to look at their fatalics =)

if they introduce, then only Vova. xs where the Hogwarts Legacy here, but in Roster it will look quite appropriate.

You buy a game, you also get an advertisement for clearly non -game content, what is the bottom.

Just movie moves got to the games. You come to the cinema, watch a bunch of advertising before the film, and then after, unless of course you dump the credits before.

Yes, where does the movie moves, but they don’t interrupt the film in the cinema and do not show advertising intrusively, and as far as I remember, the trailers have always shown. What is not so bad. And here in the game directly advertising.

I look, they will not calm down with this advertisement, devils

Thanks for the WB advertising, but I still won’t buy your hogvarts)

We survived. Now the advertising has already begun to shove games. And then what? They will shove into the air? Just went outside, inhaled the air and hear an advertisement for some kind of beer, or a movie. Everyone who was there, with their advertisements,. What again convinces me that piracy is priceless. It is better to be a pirate and play without advertising and other garbage than buy a license and raping yourself with all kinds of nonsense today.

You do not need any additional arguments to convince the priceless piracy, and vice versa, no arguments will convince you of this.

I can convince me only one. If the developers cease to suffer a garbage and start: 1. Make good games. 2. Stop plunging donat in games and other garbage. 3. They will be able to truly do for a PC game, with good optimization. 4. And they will cease to suffer a garbage, such as the need to connect to the Internet, downloading a million launches and various utilities or stabbing advertising in the game. As well as cutting content from the game and its sale as a separate DLC. Now, if all this will be taken into account, and the games will begin to do really good, releasing the hit after a hit, for everyone and with great accessibility, then I can convince me to quit piracy and start buying licenses. And until then, Gulkin is hell with them, not my money!

By the way, I have only Assassins Creed 2, Hitman: Blood Money, Ultimate Spider-Man, GTA 4 Episodes of Liberty City and Stalker: Clean sky. In my opinion there is something else, but I don’t remember that. But not to look at the hunt, because you have to open the nightstand and climb to see what is too lazy to do. At the same time, all these games are a physical license copy. All the rest is more than 1000, games on the disks, as well as downloaded from the Internet, pirates from past times.

During the piracy on the discs, this was the same (advertising all sorts of pans), now the advertisement of Joy Kozlina on screens =)

I haven’t met this before. I have all sorts of discs with the magazines that I wrote out like a country of games, a spire, gameplay and the like. There are even a couple of gambling disks, but there are no adhesives on them. Only advertising stores with games, or games themselves, but in the form of trailers.

What does it mean? It was always so. From the 90s, advertising games are shoved in games. This is a normal phenomenon. Moreover, in the 90s this was even more often than today in 2023. Previously, on CD discs in the main menu of some games, even a special section came across advertising trailers of other games. This was practiced both on license and pirates. Advertising of games inside games is normal, starting from the 90s. Not chewing gum with chips advertise. And games. I see nothing wrong with the game inside the games there was an advertisement for other games. This is my opinion since the 90s and it has not yet changed.

This advertisement even in MK10 is present, at least on consoles

And why minus, I just supplemented the news that they will advertise in MK 10 (

I think soon and for the PC they will make advertising in MK10) times already to the PC MK11, they got that they interfere with the PC MK10?)

It is as if WB is not satisfied with the result of the sale of Hogwarts Legacy, so they bother this game as advertising.

PC Gaming turns into an Android Gaming

In indjustis 2, by the way, it is 😁

I have an advertisement for the 2nd battalion commander in the ultimate version.

How no? like a guest character, but what a wand is a wand) is still a sorcerer, a magician who will save strength and then extinguish to fully: turn over and reset back; Four..

And fatalics are so charm in general: exhaustion.

Yeah, too, went today, did not understand the joke

In Industis 2, I noticed how it was in general, and did not pay attention

Capitalism of a pure look, that’s why I should see this Call during the game?

I see nothing bad about it. Advertising of other games from the late 90s is quite normal. I remember inside the packaging of the CDs inserted advertising booklets. And in the main game menu there were advertising buttons with trailers of different games. In my opinion, the idea is cool. Games are advertised in games. What you need for a gamer! Well, honestly, not chewing gum with a coal, they advertise you. For outrage I see no reason. The usual thing from the 90s. 2023 is no worse. So why not be in games advertising games?

Even Demki shoved in discs with original (other) games in the past

I remember I had a desser spyro on a disk with Crash, or the other way around.

Rather, on the contrary, you need to do.

Pegach, such a pegach. It is amazing that this is generally a site about games. The first time they hear about advertising in the game for the first time, as if it had never been anywhere before. Already a persistent feeling that percent of 90 people attending the site do not play at all.

Adding Harry Potter as a playable character would be funny. It looked interesting on it

I can’t understand – the publisher has no right to shove his own advertising in his own game?Or he forcibly forced you to buy Hogwarts?what a clowning.

It’s funny, like Pogorelians out of the blue with a pug, the buzzes were soldered and began to shout)) Let us – the census of miserable is declared open!)

In Starfield you can travel between planets without fast movement, but it will take a lot of time

Sony Santa Monica’s screenwriter and former journalist of the video game Alan Pierce took advantage of the possibility provided by the Bethesda Starfield spacecraft, to find out if you can really use a spacecraft to overcome huge distances that share planets without using fast movement.

Alan thus tried to answer one of the questions asked by the community in recent months. Once on board the “Frontier”, it reached the solar system and gave maximum energy to the engines of the spacecraft to advance to the boundaries of our planetary system.

As soon as Pluto was installed as an ultimate goal, the Pierce continuously traveled within seven hours and found that yes, you can achieve any planet in your system without using a quick journey.

Thus, as Alan Pierce testifies, the view from the portholes of spaceships is not static skyboxes, but are generated by a realistic and completely “three-dimensional” way to present the exact location of the celestial bodies indicated on the mini-map.

And the fact that it was not a planet, but an empty sphere with texture, we will modestly keep silent. Strimmersha not only flew to Pluto, but also flew right into it. She could not sit on the planet, for lack of it.

Jerry Pluto is not a planet !

Pluto dwarf planet since 2006

No one promised you that you can sit on the planets seamlessly. But the very fact is that there is space in the game and it is huge, this is a fat plus to the game, thereby shut up his mouth to the haters

I will tell you a secret, in all games about the space of the planet in space – spheres with textures, or you thought you are holding landscapes there? 🤣 Just at the moment when you reach the right distance, there is a transition from a dummy sphere to the landscape. Someone has the transition to be implemented so that you will not understand that it was a transition, but someone hangs up and the Pustosteshkovna sphere is abruptly on the landscape. And by the way so as not to argue further, I was doing so.K I work in Gamdev for myself (Indie Developer).

There is no huge cosmos, there is a million mini locations with a dark skybox. There is a cosmos in Elite or a citizen (and this is that it is not done by it), but even in the sky there is more space than here. I say as a fan of cosmosimov, space here is shit1.

Why are these articles? If I write that in Skyrim, you can also travel without quick movement, legs, will it be worthy of news?))

Yes, no matter how bonuses, the work of moving, interesting movement, this is an excellent gameplay function, no one needs quick movements, it is interesting to travel at times, find new planets, reach them with different ships and pinched to the planet to explore it. The fact that they are empty is a different conversation. For example, in the witcher3 superly interesting to swim around the seas of Skelig and find anything. A person above just a little writes a lies. If a mod appears for speed, it will be excellent, despite the void of the game. And about the developments, they promised and as always they lied

It remains only to make a mod at super speed, it will not be bad, even if you fly a couple of minutes, it will already look natural

Some cheap excuses that space is a static picture and no more.We would look at how to make movements through Systems in SpaceBorn 2, Elite Dangerous or other games.Yes, nowhere is there such a squalor.And the answer itself looks like an undisguised rudeness.You were told that this is a masterpiece, the game of the century, blah the game of the millennium, and you are asking for some nonsense here, instead of admiring our wretched Aries!

Starfield is a failure?

Every day, this game is about 20 news, in Steam she has a good online and this is not even a release – and as you think, or not?

The fact that the game is cheat, it must be taken into account that 95% of these people did not even play the game. And those who played – played without normal translation, and many even without it, and played the game of the gazebo, at the start, which is a little stupid.

Also, in YouTube and so on – quite a lot of people they cut the game.

Unfortunately, played.

Unfortunately, I played what most people write here at all is not true. It’s good that I didn’t buy the game))), but a comrade, I would probably have bombed mercilessly if I bought it myself.

I like it so far, then everything is ok.

The design is cool, boats, costumes, weapons, objects – artists fellow.

But playing it is categorically boring, Syuzhut does not carry away at all and there is no sensation of a cosmic adventure at all.

There is also no epic music.

Starfield is sometimes funny, I accidentally received a new ship in the game, with a hold of 5 times more than at the starting.

I studied the first planet, went into some jungle, and there the ship stands and the colonists around the roast. Well, I hacked the hatch, I thought I would plunder, but it turned out that you could sit down on the pilot chair after that and stupidly fly away. And the ship began to be considered "mine", the game even congratulated me on the acquisition.

I am extremely worried about the fate of the colonists.

On the planet, where the first city is according to the plot, only in the location, where are scientists, I am the same boat now "mine" Meet.. Also a beautiful thing under the sunrise. I just don’t know if it is possible to fly to it..

They are colonists, let the terrigator live up.))

Well, they wanted to colonize. Forward.

In 1-3 parts of Mass Effect, flights were realized much cooler and, with all the simplicity of implementation, the flight was interesting with a small boat with the calculation of fuel and the search for fossils. It was just cool as possible, discover, do the collection to find something and fly there. The scale of the then planets and landscapes was also impressive. Immediately so many things were piled on the game. Vacuuming everything under clean, the place ends – you go dump and again new. Okay with the optimization that is lame. She is pulled up. But here is the stupidity of AI, emptiness, the bottom of the royal render in dark places, the wretchedness of animation. You can still count it somehow for excusable. But this is not the level of 2023. The game of some kind of interesting thing in this set, is simply morally obsolete. I see. Plus there is no involvement. Like an ambition of the project is like an old Citizen, but it didn’t work out to mind. You stupidly come across a mass, a ton of shortcomings. Where to fly, what to do, just in vast expanses without any clear goals. There is a plot, but each NPS will try to distract you for tens of hours, removing from the main tasks. As a result, you are in 100 or 60 hours, all vacuum. Fly, sell, return, and do it again. Comparison with RDR 2 is extremely unsuccessful. The world has been worked out there, and lives itself. Yes, damn it in RDR 2 If they already equal their Starfield with her. You can stop in the stupid and look in any direction, your eye amazes and pleases. On the screen, the world itself lives and plays real life.
My expectations were overstated, as I expected to see the semblance of Mass Effect, or something like that. But here everything is much more banal. In fact, a lot of things and it is unnecessary and stupid.
If you demolish all the games with a PC and leave only Starfield then you can play one in it. But seeing so much cool, and what else is coming. Saiberpank Fantom Liberty. That well, where is this Starfield. In general, so far past.

You see, and saw a mass effect, and people wanted an elite with a plot

The elit with the plot of Dviglo must be changed, the current feces can only be loaded.

No need to vacuum everything, there 90% of items are made for an interesting environment. This is only in the gazebo games and no one else has (for which thanks to her). In fact, you take only a gear from corpses (not all) and clothes made of yellow chests, safe, preferably colored. The main grandmas in the game are made not by vacuum cleaning, but with the help of tasks from boards, mining resources using bases, smuggling.

Author why are you so illiterate? You even read the news yourself?

So he or she Hello? Really machine translation as if I was reading

This is a machine translation

In Starfield you can travel between planets without fast movement, but it will take a lot of time

Yes, so great, took off from one planet and to work. Three years later came!🤣

In fact, in space it works:

"Theoretically, on the fastest space vessel, it will turn out on Mars in the shortest way for 941 hours (40 days). Over the average distance, the flight time of the rocket to Mars will be 3,879 hours (162 days). If both planets are at the maximum distance from each other, the path will take 289 days."

Another thing is that it is too boring, from such a slow movement, the effect is created that we are standing still, as the comrade noted correctly, the x1000 mod would not interfere here to accelerate the speed of flights, it is to accelerate the button, otherwise the combat gameplay on the ships will turn into porridge