Fresh patch for Lords of the Fallen corrects numerous malfunctions on AMD graphic processors

CI Games and HexWorks continue to release corrections for Lords of the Fallen daily. And today the developers released update 1.1.1999, eliminating numerous malfunctions that could occur on the AMD graphic processors.

Speaking in more detail, then update 1.1.1999 for Lords of the Fallen eliminates numerous GPU diets on AMD maps by passing the dispatching of niagara calculations in case of exceeding the number of flows supported by the equipment.

According to the developers, this patch should eliminate most of the failures reported in Sentry, since more than 30% of them were caused by this particular problem.

In addition, Lords of the Fallen Patch 1.1.199 makes some changes to the balance and improvement of mp. For example, the price of the spell is adjusted "Flame funnel". In addition, timings and pings in a multiplayer game have changed to make a priority to establish a strong connection between players.

As usual, Steam will upload this update the next time it launches its client. Here you can also familiarize yourself with the full list of changes.

And why numerous malfunctions are again on the equipment from AMD? What is it connected with?

with the fact that the malfunctions of Nvidia were allegedly repaired

You are all infa in the article. This is the problem of the game, not the cards/software Amuda.

There is no need to go far, right there at the PG the very first news about the game and quotes from it, hello, as they say

We decided to temporarily disable personnel generation until our cooperation with NVIDIA will allow us to release more stable drivers. This measure is designed to prevent failures that some players face their new graphic processors of the 40th series.

99% of all problems with software and firewood on computers are the fault of the habit. People still cut up the updates on the operating rooms and complain that because of them constant problems, that you cannot use the computer. They put the assembly crinage B10-11, 3 pieces of antivirus, which block executable files and so on, Mail agents, 10 browsers and other trash downloaded from huge, green buttons "Free download the desired file" This is also to blame for the AMD?

Go to the overlars of Nvidia – problems, you will be shocked by the curvature of the hands of people and how many of them are in principle. I do not have a corporation, but the AMD is gorgeous and better, more informative, more conveniently, there are no problems with Nvidia from 2003 and with stability, I have been sitting on the AMD for 12 years and have never entered the forums with a request to help with the problem, they are stupidly not was. The jamb was with RDna 1, which I safely discouraged, there was a transition to a completely new architecture, yes, but Nvidia also did not lag behind in this regard, with the release of the first generation of RTX